Please note that some commands from the printed manual might not work in the current firmware yet, such as Q (explain the function of a command) as this doesn't make sense to add before the functionality is complete.

You can hover the mouse over a symbol to learn what it means.

Command Function Where Active
Levels control is invoked using command VL or LV (printed manual)
Increase the volume level Levels Control
Decrease the volume level Levels Control
Swap between input and output level control Levels Control
MD Increase the volume level Levels Control
WF Decrease the volume level Levels Control
Exit the level control Levels Control
Delay control is invoked using command DL (printed manual)
MD Delay Enable: switch the delay on and select the intensity control Delay Control
WF Delay Disable: switch the delay off completely Delay Control
Select delay timing control for the left stereo channel Delay Control
Select delay timing control for both stereo channels Delay Control
Select delay timing control for the right stereo channel Delay Control
Exit the delay control Delay Control
Global commands (available at all times)
PAT# Load a patch Anywhere
PATPAT## Load a patch Anywhere
RDPAT# Load a patch Anywhere
RDPAT## Load a patch Anywhere
PAT Load previous patch Anywhere
PAT Refresh patch (after editing) NOT YET IMPLEMENTED Anywhere
PAT Load next patch Anywhere
KEY# Change the scale globally for all 4 rows in the playable area. Scales are numbered from 1 to 9 (ionian to harmonic minor), while 0 selects half tone layout (all 12 semitones). Anywhere
KEYR*# Change the scale for one of the 4 rows in the playable area. After clicking KEY and R, click on any key from the row where you want to change the scale. Then select a new scale using numbers 0-9. Anywhere
KEY Shift all notes on the keyboard up by one semitone. Anywhere
KEY Shift all notes on the keyboard down by one semitone. Anywhere
KEYMD Shift all notes on the keyboard up by an octave. Anywhere
KEYWF Shift all notes on the keyboard down by an octave. Anywhere
KEY Reset all notes on the keyboard back to their defaults (as defined in the patch). Anywhere
KEYQ Voice message explaining which scale and key is currently selected (WIP) Anywhere
KEYKEY Invoke the Key & Octave control mode, where you can change key and octave by clicking the arrows repeatedly. Anywhere
Key & Octave control is invoked by clicking the KEY twice
Shift all notes on the keyboard up by one semitone. Key & Octave change mode
Shift all notes on the keyboard down by one semitone. Key & Octave change mode
MD Shift all notes on the keyboard up by an octave. Key & Octave change mode
WF Shift all notes on the keyboard down by an octave. Key & Octave change mode
Reset all notes on the keyboard back to their defaults (as defined in the patch). Key & Octave change mode
Exit the Key & Octave control mode. Key & Octave change mode
Global commands (available at all times)
RC Record: Enables or disables recording from microphone/line input, in addition to internally generated sounds. This allows you to use built-in effects (DL, RV, FL, FT, RG) to process the external sound from microphone or line-input in real time. Anywhere
RS Start / stop recording to the SD card. WAV files are stored on the SD card in rec/session directory. If you are recording while the Loopstyler is connected to a PC, you may need to restart it for the new files to appear. Anywhere
RR Restart recording to the SD card (closes the current file and opens a new one). Anywhere
ER Enable Euclidean Rhythms generator. More info here. Anywhere
ED An alternative command to Enable Euclidean Rhythms generator Anywhere
LV Enable input gain levels control. More info here. Anywhere
VL Enable volume levels control. More info here. Anywhere
DL Enable delay control. More info here. Anywhere
DD Delay Disable: switch the delay off completely Anywhere
DE Delay Enable: switch the delay on Anywhere
RD Reverb Disable: switch the reverb off completely Anywhere
RE Reverb Enable: switch the reverb on (use the most recent preset) Anywhere
R# Select Reverb preset by number (valid commands are R1 to R9). R0 disables the reverb. Anywhere
RV## Select a double-digit Reverb preset. For example RV99 selects preset 99. The preset has to be defined in the effects/reverbs.json.txt file on the SD card. Anywhere
FL Enables Flanger effect, controllable by accelerometer. To disable it, use the same command again. Tilting by the X axis (left to right) shifts the timing, while Y axis (tilting up and down) "detunes" timing in the left vs. right stereo channel a bit. Commands FL and FT can be combined, their parameters are driven by the same accelerometer so it is not possible to control them independently, but as the Filter has instantaneous response, while Flanger ramps up and down slowly, the results are interesting nonetheless. Anywhere
FT Enables Filter effect, controllable by accelerometer. To disable it, use the same command again. Tilting by the X axis (left to right) controls cut-off, while Y axis (tilting up and down) controls resonance and changes between high-pass and low-pass mode (upper half = HP, lower half = LP). On the right end you can smoothly change between HP and LP without artifacts. Extreme tilt results in nice resonances, especially when reverb is enabled as well. Sounds interesting with drones created using FM engine patches. Anywhere
RG Enables Ring Modulator effect. To disable it, use the same command again. Tilting by X axis (left to right) controls modulation frequency, Y axis increases distortion. At neutral position the frequency is set to 30Hz, as used in Dr. Who to create voices of Daleks and Cybermen. It works best with sampled voice or percussive sounds. Implemented by following this lovely example. Anywhere
TE### Set tempo to ### BPM, i.e. TE080 or TE240 will set it to 80 or 240 BMP respectively. The range for tempo is from 15 to 480 BPM. Anywhere
AR# Enable an arpeggiator on a selected instrument (WIP) Anywhere
SQ# Enable a stored sequence playback using a selected instrument (WIP) Anywhere
SE Enable sample editing mode (WIP) Anywhere
QT Quit a generator or exit from a settings control mode (such as DL, LV, VL, ER) Anywhere
Euclidean Rhythms generator is invoked using command ER or ED (detailed manual)
SND Initiates editing of samples. Euclidean Rhythms (running)
KEY Initiates transpose function. Click again to transpose all samples at once. Euclidean Rhythms (running)
PAT Initiates editing of pattern timing. Euclidean Rhythms (running)
While editing, move to the previous track. Otherwise, decrease the tempo by 5 BPM. Euclidean Rhythms (running)
While editing, switches between samples and timing. Otherwise, resets the tempo to 120 BPM. Euclidean Rhythms (running)
While editing, move to the next track. Otherwise, increase the tempo by 5 BPM. Euclidean Rhythms (running)
Exit the samples / timings editing or transpose function. Euclidean Rhythms (running)
WF Randomize all samples in the current pattern. Alternatively, while transpose is active (after clicking KEY), shifts the key down. Euclidean Rhythms (running)
MD Randomize timings of all tracks in the current pattern. Alternatively, while transpose is active (after clicking KEY), shifts the key up. Euclidean Rhythms (running)
TRK# Set the amount of tracks to # (a number between 1 and 8). Euclidean Rhythms
TRK Decrease the amount of tracks by one. Euclidean Rhythms
TRK Increase the amount of tracks by one. Euclidean Rhythms
RD* Load a pattern from one of the 16 slots (which are in the 3rd group of 4x4 keys). You don't need to use RD, just click one of those keys. Euclidean Rhythms
WR* Store the currently playing pattern into one of the 16 slots (which are in the 3rd group of 4x4 keys). Euclidean Rhythms
CL* Clear a pattern stored in one of the 16 slots. Euclidean Rhythms
CC* Copy a pattern from one of the 16 slots (in order to paste it into another slot using command VV). Euclidean Rhythms
VV* Paste the pattern (copied by command CC) into one of the 16 slots. Euclidean Rhythms
RDPAT# Load a pattern array from a file. This will replace the 16 patterns currently stored in those slots. This command uses similar logic as when loading patches. Euclidean Rhythms
WRPAT# Store the pattern array (the contents of all 16 slots) into a file. This command uses similar logic as when storing patches. Euclidean Rhythms
RDPATPAT## Load a pattern array from a file. This will replace the 16 patterns currently stored in those slots. This command uses similar logic as when loading patches. Euclidean Rhythms
WRPATPAT## Store the pattern array (the contents of all 16 slots) into a file. This command uses similar logic as when storing patches. Euclidean Rhythms
SR Sample Reverse: flip all active samples. Applying this comand repeatedly creates particularly interesting results, as switching patterns or assigning samples to tracks will combine forward and reversed samples. Euclidean Rhythms
SV# Sample Voices: sets the maximum polyphony to #, in order to prevent overwhelming accumulation of longer samples. This setting only affects the samples while the Euclidean Rhythms generator is active. Euclidean Rhythms
Easy Play mode is invoked by long pressing button 1
Go to the previous page with samples (if the patch loads a directory with more than 48 samples). Easy Play mode
Go back to the first page with samples. Easy Play mode
Go to the next page with samples. Easy Play mode
Tape Loop mode is invoked by long pressing button 2 (detailed manual)
RC Enables or disables recording from microphone/line input, in addition to internally generated sounds. It is recommended to invoke this command while recording is not in progress, as otherwise sounds of stylus will get recorded too. Tape Loop mode
TL Sets tape length. Buttons 1-4 increase/decrease tape lenght, LEDs indicate amount of bars (1x1 to 16x16). More info in the manual. Tape Loop mode
Sequencer mode is invoked by long pressing button 3 (detailed manual)
SL Sets sequence length. Buttons 1-4 allow to change number of bars. Each LED represents one bar, number from the first row is multiplied by number from the second row. Button START accepts the new setting, STOP cancels and reverts to the previous value. More info in the manual. Sequencer mode
SQS Enables step-sequencing mode, where you enter all notes and rests one by one (as opposed to live recording, where the track runs and events are added in real time). Sequencer mode
SQR Enables recording mode, where note events are added in real time (as opposed to step sequencing, where you enter all notes and rests one by one). Sequencer mode
Go to the previous event while editing the sequence in the step-sequencing mode. Sequencer mode (step)
Go to the next event while editing the sequence in the step-sequencing mode. Sequencer mode (step)
Global settings (available at all times)
VC Switch the voice commentary off / on Anywhere
CT Switch the click track off / on Anywhere
SF Switch the audible stylus feedback off / on Anywhere
ADC Switch between ADC inputs (mic/line-in) Anywhere
AD1 Select microphone for ADC input Anywhere
AD2 Switch line-in for ADC input Anywhere
LSTR Listen Through: pass-throuhg from the selected ADC input. To exit from this mode, use command QT (quit). This is useful for testing. If you want to use the external sound with effects or record it, check command RC. Anywhere
ECC External control: chromatic. Configures MIDI controller behaviour, where each sample can be played chromatically on its assigned MIDI channel. For information about using MIDI, please consult the printed manual. Anywhere
ECS External control: samples / drums. Configures MIDI controller behaviour, where all samples are assigned to keys within a single MIDI channel and played back at their default sampling rate. ECD command is just a synonym for ECS as it might be easier to remember. Anywhere
ECD External control: samples / drums. Configures MIDI controller behaviour, where all samples are assigned to keys within a single MIDI channel and played back at their default sampling rate. ECD command is just a synonym for ECS as it might be easier to remember. Anywhere
SD###### Set date. The format is dd/mm/yy. For example, to set 27/1/2024 enter "SD270124". Anywhere
ST#### Set time. The format is hh/mm. For example, to set 13:37 enter "ST1337". Anywhere
LSD Look up subdirectories containing samples. (WIP) Anywhere
SSD Select one of the subdirectories containing samples. (WIP) Anywhere
FRST Factory Reset: restore all settings to defaults (keeps user data) Anywhere
SRST Reboots the Linux system. This is mainly useful when developing or debugging the firmware. If the unit is unresponsive (does not power off) and has a battery installed, so it will not shut down after unplugging the power cable, you can hard reset it by pressung STOP button while the power switch is in OFF position. Anywhere
QFV Indicate firmare version using yellow and blue LEDs. For example, 1st yellow and 2nd blue LED represents version "1.2". Anywhere